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24-Hour Crisis Hotline for Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence, Family Violence, and Sexual Assault




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If you are in danger, please call 911.

If you are not in immediate danger, and need help or advice, call our local 24/7 hot line highlighted in red below.

*Crisis Hotline for Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence, Family Violence, and Sexual Assault

To reach our office, please call (903) 509-2526

B.I.P.P Program: (903) 579 – 2500

24-Hour Crisis Hotline


East Texas Crisis Center Office

(903) 509-2526

Thank You David Irwin

Tyler Ford, for 15 years, 15 raffle cars, and for raising proceeds totaling $1,309,810 for the East Texas Crisis Center.  David’s generosity is rivaled only by his creative marketing skills with his own blitz of radio commercials promoting the annual East Texas...

Tyler Ford ……”raring to go”…..

Tyler Ford provided a “rare find” when they donated the 15th raffle car to the East Texas Crisis Center late in 2017.  The winning ticket for the 19641/2 Mustang Convertible was drawn by David Irwin, Managing Partner of Tyler Ford, at the close of the 2018...

Thank You Brides & Belles of Tyler

A great big thank you to BRIDES & BELLES of TYLER for making a Cinderella moment for a young high school senior last month.  Owner, Jo Ann Owers, donated an evening gown, shoes and earrings valued at $490 making the big Prom Night very special for a deserving...

Sexual Assault Awareness Month Hope Awards

The East Texas Crisis Center recognized members of the community who have gone above and beyond to help victims of sexual assault, on April 12, 2018.  The awards were presented to  Dr. Ernest Cook, a local optometrist,  Larry Christian, retired Police Officer with...