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24-Hour Crisis Hotline for Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence, Family Violence, and Sexual Assault




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If you are in danger, please call 911.

If you are not in immediate danger, and need help or advice, call our local 24/7 hot line highlighted in red below.

*Crisis Hotline for Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence, Family Violence, and Sexual Assault

To reach our office, please call (903) 509-2526

B.I.P.P Program: (903) 579 – 2500

24-Hour Crisis Hotline


East Texas Crisis Center Office

(903) 509-2526

Together, we can heal.

Programs & Services

Counseling, Advocacy, Direct Client Services & Support Groups

Feel free to get connected.

Family or Domestic Violence

Family Violence can happen to any family, anyone, any walks of life. Physical, Psychological or Emotional Abuse is real. There is help! Victims and Survivors are encouraged to get in touch with one of our Counselors and Advocates who can help you with your situation and work with your safety planning. Counseling, Crisis Intervention and Advocacy services in individual and group settings are provided free of charge.

Support Groups:
  1. H.E.A.R.T. (Help End Abusive Relationship Tendencies) — Due to COVID-19 this support group is conducted virtually to non-residents.A confidential support group for battered and formerly victims.
  2. Economic Class, a class that guides our clients toward job readiness and help them improve skills for economic independence and autonomy through education and counseling.
  3. Sexual assault survivors support group, a confidential support group for victims and survivors of sexual assault.

Video Counseling Session


You can access this service if you are already an established client! This session will be a pre-scheduled meeting. The button below will link you to the confidentiality agreement before we can proceed with providing you a video session. This is just a one-time agreement for all sessions you will be receiving. Your counselor will provide you with an Osnium Number to proceed. A confirmation will be sent to your email address and your counselor will respond via email with the link for the video session.

*Please call (903) 509-2526 if you have any questions or need a video counseling session with a counselor.

Video Advocacy Session


You can access this service if you are already an established client! This session will be a pre-scheduled meeting. The button below will link you to the confidentiality agreement before we can proceed with providing you a video session. This is just a one-time agreement for all sessions you will be receiving. Your advocate will provide you with an Osnium Number to proceed. A confirmation will be sent to your email address and your advocate will respond via email with the link for the video session.

*Please call (903)509-2526 if you have any questions or need a video advocacy session with an advocate.

Sexual Assault Advocacy & Support Groups

Sexual assault can happen to anyone. Estimates are that one in three women and one in seven men will be sexually assaulted in their lifetime… and usually, the offender is someone known to the victim. Sexual assault is any sexual contact or intimacy performed upon one person by another without mutual consent, or with the inability of the survivor to give consent due to age or mental or physical incapacity.

In Texas, two in five women and one in five men will be sexually assaulted within their lifetime. In a majority of cases, the offender is someone known to the survivor. Sexual assault can have devastating effects such as anxiety, depression, PTSD, and strained relationships. The East Texas Crisis Center provides services to survivors and their family/friends. Services available to those affected by sexual assault include hospital accompaniment, individual counseling, therapy groups, protective orders, and more. Groups for women survivors of sexual assault are held on the following days/times:

Tuesdays, 10AM-11AM; Thursdays, 6PM-7PM.

The support group for family/friends of survivors is held once a month – please contact ETCC for more information regarding dates/times. A brief screening is needed before joining a group.

HEALING IS POSSIBLE. If you or someone you know has been sexually assaulted, call the East Texas Crisis Center at 903.509.2526 to speak to a sexual assault counselor.

Advocacy / Legal Advocacy

Accompaniment to hospitals, law enforcement offices, prosecutors office and courts is provided.

Family Protective Orders

Screening and processing legal documents in cooperation with the justice system

Crime Victims Services

Assistance in filing victims’ compensation forms.

Violence Intervention Network Programs include:

Men’s Education Network

For men working to end violence in their relationships.

Women’s Intervention Network

For women who batter their intimate partners

Alternatives to Violence

For persons who assault non-family members

Emergency Shelter

  • Provides emergency safety for victims of family violence and sexual assault.
  • Developing a safety plan and setting goals for their future
  • Provides counseling to begin the healing process and decide about returning home safely or establishing independent living arrangements.

Children’s Prevention and Education Programs (Shelter Residents Only)

The Crisis Center Children’s Prevention and Education Program fosters a sense of purpose and belonging for residents, pre-school and school-age children, offering stability, consistency, and anti-victimization skills training on a daily basis. More on Children’s Prevention Programs.

Economic Education Classes

The number one reason anyone returns to their abuser is the fact that they do not have relevant job skills or training to earn adequate income to support themselves and their children. Once safe from harm clients have the opportunity to get their emotional bearings and begin to consider the obstacles and challenges that lie ahead for them to work toward independent living.

The Economic Education Class addresses the financial challenges of achieving self-sufficiency faced by our clients. It is designed to help clients improve their financial condition by broadening their skills through job training. The curriculum used for the classes was written specifically for victims of family violence and is provided to our agency by the Allstate Foundation.

Weekly classes includes:

  • Learn to build a budget
  • Manage their money
  • Prepare for job interviews
  • Secure a better paying job

Public Education and Primary Prevention Program

The Speakers’ Bureau is offered as a community service at no charge to inform religious and civic organizations and clubs, educational institutions and businesses about victimization.

In-services, seminars and workshops are conducted with law enforcement, medical services, educators and community agencies to assist them in working with victims.

The East Texas Crisis Center offers educational training’s to young men interested in reducing men’s violence see Men Against Violence

You’re not alone.

We’re here to help when you’re ready.

24-Hour Crisis Hotline


*Crisis Hotline for Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence, Family Violence, and Sexual Assault